"We reviewed your application and will not be hiring you."
I'm not sure what's worse, a heartless rejection letter or the straight up silent treatment. The rejection brings closure and allows you to move on. It's also a brutal blow to your ego which can take days or weeks to recover from, something that the silent treatment spares you. Just once I would like to receive the following rejection letter:
Jean Smith, VP Human Resources
Dream Employer Incorporated
Pleasantville, USA 90001
November 17th, 2009
Dear Applicant,
I recently had the pleasure of reviewing your application. It was awesome. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but unfortunately we can't hire you. I know what you're thinking, but trust me: it's not you, it's us.
First of all, don't be self conscious about your cover letter. It was the perfect length, nearly typo free, and that quip in the second paragraph nearly made LOL. Seriously! It was awesome that you spent last summer in Peru, you seem like a really great guy. It kills me that we can't hire you!
You're probably going to think that your resume isn't up to par, but don't. Your resume was great. Sure, you don't have any directly relevant experience, and there's no real indication that you'll excel with us, but it looks like you're involved in some great activities. You worked at a call center during undergrad? That's amazing, I'm sure you're really hard worker.
The truth is if it were up to me I would have hired you. There are just a lot of factors involved that are totally outside of my control, and your control as an applicant. I mean, you are amazing in every way, and still didn't get a job with us? I guess it's all about who you know, which is total bull crap because you're awesome.
Keep your head up. You're young and in control of your soon to be flowering young career. Someday we'll be kicking ourselves for passing you up, I'm convinced of that.